
Q: Hi, I saw a show on Television today and noticed the subject was on numerology. At the beginning of the show, they told everyone how to figure out their (Life Path/Destiny) number but I missed it. I know there is some math involved but I did not catch what it was. Could you please tell me how to figure out my number and other peoples numbers? – D. A.

A: You can calculate your name numbers for free using our online calculator here: Free Name Meaning

Here are some of the other calculations:

Life Path Destiny Calculations: Full Birth Date:


5 /
2 /
= 2
+7 =

Some numerologists add the birth date this way:


5 /
2 /
Add year
Add month and day to year
+2 =
7 =


Still others add it up this way:


5 /
2 /
Add year
 = 2+
0 =
Add month
Add day


The Pythagorean “Letter Grid”

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
a b c d e f g h i
j k l m n o p q r
s t u v w x y z

Name Calculations: Birth Certificate Name:

7 1 3 V = 11/2
1 6 1 0 1 2
1 5 9 1 5 5 7 5
A N G E L I A R E N E C Y P H E R S T = 5
5 7 3 9 5 3 7 8 9 1
1 5 1 4 2 8
6 5 1 C = 3


Fill in the number values from the “Letter Grid” above, putting the vowels above the name and the consonants below the name.

Beginning with the vowels at the top of the name, add the vowels for each name separately place the number in the row above. Then, if the number is a double digit (and not an 11, 22 or 33), further reduce by adding those two digits together to arrive at a single digit. Place that number in the very top row as shown above. Finally, add the three single digits representing the vowel totals for each name across to arrive at a total. If this is a double digit, (and not an 11, 22 or 33) add again to get a single digit. This number is the Soul Urge.

Do the same thing with the numbers below the name to find the Persona or “Outer Personality” number.

Finally, add the vowel and consonant totals for each name and reduce to a single digit (if not an 11, 22 or 33), then add the three name totals together and reduce to get the Expression or “Character” number. *A quick way to get the single digit Expression is just to add the Soul Urge to the Persona*

Or some add it all up this way:

Add the top row across ie:
1+5+9+1+5+5+7+5 = 38 Further reduce 38, 3+8 = 11/2
(If your double digit adds up to 11, 22 or 33 do not reduce it further as it is a “Master Number”.)
In the case above, the vowels equal 11/2. This is the “Soul Urge.”

Now add the bottom row across ie:
5+7+3+9+5+3+7+8+9+1 = 57 Further reduce 57, 5+7 = 12
Further reduce 12, 1+2 = 3
In the case above, the consonants equal 3. This number is the “Persona” or “Outer Personality.”

To find the “Expression” or “Character” you add the “Soul Urge” plus the “Persona”, in the case above you would get 14. Further reduce 1+4 = 5

How do I calculate my numbers? Read More »

Q: Would you please explain how do you treat foreign language letters. For example, there are nine additional letters in my mother tongue (Polish): a, c, e, l, n, o, s, z, z having some accent mark over or below a letter. They are pronounced differently than a, c… Polish alphabet contains all English (or Latin) letters plus these once mentioned before – except v.

A: Modern numerology uses the ‘Pythagorean’ letter grid, which places the 26 letters of the English alphabet in their vibrationally correct places relating to the units/numbers 1-9.

The English alphabet (which is the same alphabet used in most western European languages) evolved roughly in this order: Egyptian/Cuneiform/Hieroglyphs>Phoenician>Hebrew>Greek>Roman>English. Another branch was born from Greek and that branch led to ‘Cyrillic’ languages like Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian and the Soviet languages. Many languages have alphabets that resemble the English alphabet with the addition of a few special characters and various accents etc..

These special characters have to be dealt with individually as it doesn’t work to apply a simplifying rule to all languages, such as, ‘just number your country’s alphabet according to the 1-9 grid.’ This way displaces letters which would’ve been in the right place to begin with! It throws everything way off.

Numerology works because of the relationship between each letter and it’s numerical equivalent and this has evolved over time to the alphabet many countries now use. There is a specific order – a definite ‘vibrational relationship’ which is perfectly aligned with the numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and the following octaves of 10’s. This too has evolved and now we have the correct numbers/vibration to describe what the alphabetical letters had to do on their own in earlier times. In other words, ‘In the beginning’… ‘A’ stood for Aleph, Alpha, one, the first, active, initiation, the creative impulse etc… and it was used for describing 1 unit since they had no Arabic numeral system yet.

Basically, ALL languages that ‘look’ like the English alphabet are meant to line up to their numerical equivalents in the same way i.e., 1=A,J,S 2=B,K,T 3=C,L,U… Several languages, such as Turkish, Norwegian and others have added special elements and unique characters that are used to convey special changes in pronunciation. The ‘soft g’ you are asking about is actually silent and is used to carry the sound of the previous vowel (you know this but for the sake of other readers…) In this case it still plays the roll of ‘g’ in the numerology equation – it’s just a silent sounding ‘g’. Both ‘C’s, ‘I’s, ‘O’s, S’s, and U’s are also the same letter with a different slant on pronunciation. In English, we just use the same letter to represent all of the various sounds that letter makes. H can be silent as in “Herbs”, W can sound like ‘Wiggle” or be silent and carry the vowel as in ‘Glow’… the vowels can be long ‘ee’ or short ‘eh’ etc… But the letters are still the same letters and this would be the case in all languages that use the same Greek>Roman/Latin based alphabet system. There is another form of numerology that is used for obtaining further information about a subject and this is based on the phonetic ‘sounds’ of the words or names. In this way, a name spelling like ‘Angelia’ might be spelled as ‘Anjelea’, or how it sounds, in order to get some additional information about it’s vibration. This is not to be confused or mixed up with the way we get the core numbers for Pythagorean numerology which describes your Expression. Soul Urge, Personality etc..

**When using the NumberQuest report calculators for free and paid reports, be sure to enter your name into the form converting all of the letters into the English alphabet equivalent first. This is the best way to ensure the most accurate reading. If you are purchasing an in-depth reading, you may email me the full names involved and I will manually produce your report making sure it’s all accurately entered. You can send me your name information using the contact form on this website or send me a note as your order is processed 🙂

Calculating Names from Non-English Alphabets Read More »

Q: Very interesting site–thank you for the information. However, I cannot find what are the meanings of the numbers given to various aspects of the Name Analysis. For example, I got a 3 on Expression, a 6 on both Soul Urge and Personality. Do these numbers represent (a) where I stand on a sliding scale (10 is better than 1/one is better than 10) or (b) the sum of my name or (c) some other aspect ?

A: The number totals in your report represent the total sum calculated by adding the number values that are assigned to the letters of your name. The numbers are not “graded” as in 1 is better or higher than 9, but they do move in the numerical cycle from 1-9 and this is considered to be a repeating cycle of “evolution” where certain abilities, and perspectives are “mastered” through each number in the cycle. The cycle does “ascend” from 1 to 9, going from a simple (pure) vibration to the more complex. This could be seen as going from lower to higher the same way the musical octave shifts in vibration, from lower to higher frequency, but it’s not a contest of better or worse 🙂 Numerology is about symbolism and about a certain defined energy flows, cycles and patterns. In order to understand what it is saying, one must engage not only their mind, but also their heart and intuition. Numerology is much like a photograph that can be used to remind ourselves “who we are” and in this way we can be awakened to a whole new world of choices than we previously thought possible.

Your personal or “core” numbers (Expression, Soul Urge, Personality and Life Path Destiny) stay the same throughout your life. When you change or shorten your name it also has an effect on the people and experiences you attract to your life. Your “Cycles”, “Pinnacles” and “Challenges” also stay the same, but the Personal Year, Personal Month and Personal Day change according to the cycle 1-9. So if today is a “5” Personal Day for you, tomorrow will be a “6” Personal Day etc.. The Personal Day, Month and Year are figured according to your birth date and the calendar year so in a sense they are your own unique vibrations for that day, month or year.

In NumberQuest, the meaning of each number is defined in relationship to its aspect, for example: A #3 Soul Urge (aspect) will talk about how the #3 manifests as a persons hopes and secret desires and attractions. While a #3 Personality will talk about how the #3 manifests as a person’s outer personality and appearance. The top paragraph describes what the aspect means and the bottom paragraph describes the number’s influence according to that aspect.

Do my numbers represent where I stand on a sliding scale? Read More »

Q: I just have to comment on this. I saw this before and didn’t say anything about it but I just have to know now why there is a discrepancy between your infomation and the information presented at another Numerology website. Your Numerology Report is showng this for me today ….

Personal Day: 2

The report that I just ran at another site is showing this for me today ….

Personal Day: 11/2

Any ideas what is causing this discrepancy?

A: (Birth Date info was given) Yes, for today you would add your Personal Year *8* plus the calendar month *3* (March) and would get an *11/2* for your Personal Month. Then, each day of this month you would add 11 (not reduced to 2) plus the calendar day. 11 + 9 (for today) = 20 and you reduce it to 2 (2+0). The discrepency then is that the other site is reducing your 11 Personal Month down to a ‘2’ before adding the day, but then you end up with Master Numbers at the wrong times and no Master Numbers at the right times. You would only ever get to experience a sometimes accurate Master Number 11 day and never a Master Number 22 or 33 day.. 😉 Shortcuts jip you. In the same way, some books teach you to basically cross out all of the 9’s in order to get to a single digit total much faster. NumberQuest is known for accuracy and depth of analysis, so it’s important to me to make sure you are getting precise and accurate calculations – even for the free reports.

Is my Personal Day an 11 or a 2? Read More »

Q: Your web site is wonderful, and I have learned and enjoyed, as this was my first experience with numerology. I do not know what is meant by: Personal Year, Month, and Day. What or when is my Personal Year – is it the year I was born? Is my personal month the month of my birthday every year it comes around? And the same with my day? I know that the title of this segment is Natal Analysis, using my natal data. I’m just not sure how to apply this information!

A: The personal year, month and day are calculations that show the effects and influence of the calendar year, month and day combined with your personal numbers of birth-month and birth-day.

Your Personal Year shows you the number vibration for the current year long period as it combines with your personal cycles. It is found by adding together your birth day plus birth month plus the calendar year,

Example for year 1999

ie: Birth Date: May(5) 2nd = 5+2 +1+9+9+9 = 35, 3+5 = *8* Personal Year

The Personal Month adds the Personal Year (in my example, *8*) plus the calendar month number,

ie: 8+1(Jan) = *9* Personal Month.

The Personal Day is found by adding the Personal Month (in my example, *9*) plus the calendar day,

ie: (today is Jan 3rd.) 9+3=12 and 1+2=3 = *3* Personal Day

(11, 22 and 33 are master numbers and are not reduced to a single digit like all other number combinations. “Master numbers” means there is “higher potential” or spiritual influence during those periods.)

What does “Personal Year” or “Personal Day” mean? Read More »
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