One of the most common questions I am asked as a numerologist has to be, “How can I tell if we are *soulmates* or not?” This is actually my favorite subject as well since relationships are the most powerful way we have available to get to know, develop and evolve ourselves in life.
What I usually tell people who ask me about this, is “your Soul will never lead you astray.” All relationships are fruitful in that they cannot help but lead to growth, whether it be through pain or through pleasure. All relationships are “successful” no matter their duration or their outcome, for they led you to where you are today and helped to create foundations of strength, confidence and clarity which gave birth to the desire necessary for you to attract to yourself the relationship your Soul desires.
All relationships are vehicles for the most important relationship, the one with ourselves. We’ve all heard over and over those sayings, “You can only love another as much as you can love yourself.” and “As soon as you no longer “NEED” a relationship, one will appear.” Yeah, yeah, yeah we say… Well, it’s true! It’s actually a very real dynamic, that the more attention we pay to our selves, and by this I mean, finding out what we want and why, who we are and where we’re going, the more “vivid” or noticeable we become to others! The power of attention brings clarity and makes things seem more “real” and therefore more visible, concrete and “knowable” to those around us. This has long been a key “secret” passed down by the ancients for manifesting anything in our lives and it’s the exact same phenomenon in play when we hear, “what you fear, you attract” and “self-fulfilling prophecy” etc…
But what exactly determines what we are looking for in another? It it our opposite? Our “Anima/Animus”? A best friend? Our PARENTS?? The fact that we can even name this many possibilities shows that they are common motivations and that there are as many types of relationships as there are combinations of people. But there is a way, through numerology to understand what motivates YOU and what is motivating your lover. This is found in the Soul Urge. In this article I will talk about the Soul Urge number in relationships (yours can be found by getting your free numerology report here at iDivine.) as well as address the many types of relationships our numbers lead us into.
Who Your Soul Desires
Relationship numerology is a complex study. There are several aspects to look at, combine and analyze to get an accurate picture of the true dynamics behind each relationship. The Expression, the Soul Urge and the Personality of each person interact and it can sometimes seem as though 6 people were involved! Each of these aspects is said to govern a period of time in a relationship. The Personality comparison gives insight into the initial attraction and the early beginnings of the relationship. This makes sense because it is usually appearances and personality that create the initial attraction. If this is the only compatible number, the relationship often dissolves at the point of “transition” into deeper commitment. This time period is governed by the Soul Urge comparisons. The Soul Urge is the determining factor for every relationship. “The Soul will never lead you astray” we either follow it’s lead or create disharmony and dis-ease in our lives. The Longevity of the relationship can be looked at by comparing the dynamics of the Expression numbers and this number also describes the basic “flavor” or the relationship, day to day, over the long haul.
The Soul Urge, much like the “descendant” or the 7th house in the astrological chart, describes the type of person our soul is looking for to complete itself and guess what!? It’s this same number that tells us about our own “true essence” our secret self, and sometimes it describes the aspects of ourselves we deny or project onto our mate for expression. The Soul Urge is our “emotional body” in numerology and it is this body that seeks it’s perfect complement in love. It’s for this reason that I say, get to know (become like) your own soul and you will automatically attract it’s perfect match! I have outlined some general characteristics of each Soul Urge below from the perspective of “Who Your Soul Desires.” Remember that these are describing the type of person your Soul desires and is only a piece of the “pie”. In numerology, as well as in any study of human behavior, you have to be able to blend various aspects in your mind in order to get an accurate picture of the whole person. Keep in mind that there are many dynamics that come into play in the world of relationships. Read the number of your Expression, Persona and Life Path as well because in real life, all four are working together to create who you are and whom you attract. At different times in our lives, our tastes may change. Our Current Name reflects these changes and they can be seen in the tables if you look up your Current Name’s numbers as well. *Read the description for the birth day digit of any person (if a double digit, read each of the single digits as well as the digit they make if you add them together) to get a quick picture of what they’re like.
Name Compatiblity Reveals Love Potential!
(((The Perfect Gift! A Synergy Report!)))
Mmmmm! Mmm! Good!! – Romance Tables
Read the descriptions below for all of your personal numbers, (Expression, Soul Urge, Personality and Destiny) and see how all four describe an aspect of your perfect mate.
If you don’t know your numbers, get them here:
(((The Perfect Anniversary Gift! A Synergy Report! )))
I have been here before,
But when or how I cannot tell:
I know the grass beyond the door,
The sweet keen smell,
The sighing sound, the lights around the shore.
You have been mine before,–
How long ago I may not know:
But just when at that swallow’s soar
Your neck turn’d so,
Some veil did fall,–I knew it all of yore.
Has this been thus before?
And shall not thus time’s eddying flight
Still with our lives our love restore
In death’s despite,
And day and night yield one delight once more.
Found Your Soulmate?
Soulmate Synergy reveals the deepest soul-bonds between you.Are you with the partner whose name is written deep within your soul?
Check here and see!